The leader in scleral lens innovation and technology.

The support and information you need to advance patient care and increase your confidence as an advanced scleral lens fitter. Our exclusive and extensive knowledge of scleral shape provides the data you need to design optimized, data-driven lenses.

Read our sMap3D Success Stories and how it changed the way scleral lenses are fitted below.

Let Data Be Your Guide

One million measurement points.

Only one scleral lens company – and one device – offers that level of technological precision for mapping the shape of the eye.

Dr. Charrier -Family Vision Solutions

“Consistent with our mission of providing the most advanced treatment options to our highly complicated patient base, I believe the sMap3D is an integral treatment option for our patients.”

Dr. Randy Charrier, OD

SCoE Spotlight Dr. Lopez

“Information is power and the sMap3D™ gives the fitter the power to elevate scleral lens fittings from the dark ages of trial and error.”

Dr. Robert Lopez, OD

Dr. Brianna Rhue

“We have an 87% success rate with our first lens regardless of the complicated fit. Because of how much our patients adore the lens, we decided to switch many of our patients from other lens designs.”

Dr. Brianna Rhue, OD

The Role of Anterior Segment OCT in Scleral Lens Fitting

Case Study: The Role of Anterior Segment OCT in Scleral Lens Fitting

A 56-year-old male with severe keratoconus, worse in the left eye, was refit from hybrid lenses into Europa Tangent scleral lenses. Anterior segment OCT played a crucial role in optimizing the fit. The right eye achieved an even corneal-lens relationship, with proper limbal clearance and edge alignment, requiring only one lens remake. The left eye,…

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The Art of Scleral Lens Follow-Ups without the Fuss

The Art of Scleral Lens Follow-Ups without the Fuss

When conducting a follow-up examination for a scleral lens patient, it’s essential to approach the evaluation of the lens and eye after wear in an organized manner. This ensures efficiency and reduces chair time.    Case History:  Begin the exam by asking the patient open-ended questions about their scleral lens experience. Keep in mind, that…

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Filamentary Keratitis & Sjögren’s Management with the Europa Tangent Lens

Case Study: Filamentary Keratitis & Sjögren’s Management with the Europa Tangent Lens

At this year’s Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Dr. Brandon Le presented his poster, “Filamentary Keratitis & Sjögren’s Management with Scleral Lenses.”  A 44-year-old female with a history of secondary Sjögren’s syndrome presented in his clinic with constant pain, photophobia, and severe dryness. He observed filamentary keratitis while she was on maximum medical therapy. Watch the…

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