We broke down the recent webinar, 1 Million Measurements & 4 Points of View: How the sMap3D Reshaped My Care, into four parts.
Part one features Greg DeNaeyer OD, FSLS and his introduction to the sMap3D technology and lens designs. With over 18 years of experience in designing and manufacturing scleral lenses, Visionary Optics is market leader in scleral lens research and development. They have revolutionized scleral lens fitting with the use of the sMap3D Corneo-Scleral Topographer.
The sMap3D not only allows for efficiently fitting customized scleral lenses but the data collected, which is up to 7,000 scanned eyes and counting, has allowed Visionary Optics to apply their extensive knowledge of scleral shape to continually improve fits for practitioners that do not yet have access to the sMap3D.
The Latitude Scleral lens allows even the novice Practitioner the ability to fit the most challenging cases, including eyes with highly irregular anterior ocular surfaces.
Dr. DeNaeyer’s introductory section discusses:
- Our high-customizable Europa Scleral Lens Design
- Our newest free-form, fully contoured Latitude Scleral Lens Design
- Recent case reports illustrating how the sMap3D data was utilized to finalize a customized lens with minimized chair time
- Scleral Shape Plots – what are they? How do you read them? Most importantly, how are they applied to the lens design process?
Click here to view the full webinar.